Wellness Seminars

I present wellness seminars and workshops to organizations and groups interested in stress management, transformational coaching skills, and the science of behavior change.

Seminars can be in-person or online and tailored to your needs. All presentations are based on behavioral health research and current best practices.

Popular topics are listed below, but others can be developed from scratch.


Stress Management

Stress is one of the most common complaints of our time. There is an enormous personal, health and financial cost to chronic, elevated stress.

This seminar defines stress, differentiates ‘good’ vs ‘bad’ stress, details the effects of acute and long-term chronic stress on the body, and explores methods to assess and manage levels of stress to find an inner state of calm.

Presented either as a stand-alone lecture or an interactive workshop, attendees will leave with a better sense of the ways that stress affects them and how to best combat it.


Coaching Skills

At the heart of transformational coaching are communication skills that can be utilized in a variety of ways to enhance group dynamics.

This seminar can be presented either as a 60-minute lecture or an interactive workshop with the end goal of giving attendees effective skills proven to deepen connection, resolve conflict and promote success in group interactions.


The Science of Behavior Change

Ever wonder why so many New Year’s resolutions fail?

This seminar presents the latest research on the neuroscience of habit formation, the psychology of change and how to optimize goal-setting and action steps.

Presented as either a 60-minute lecture or a longer, interactive workshop, attendees will walk away armed with a greater sense of how to set appropriate goals to improve health and wellness.