Health & Wellness Coaching

Health & Wellness Coaching is a client-centered process to enhance the well-being of an individual through self-directed and sustainable change.


Contrary to what many believe, health & wellness coaching is NOT directive, meaning that coaches do not tell their clients what to do. Rather, coaches partner with clients to help them discover what they truly want and and how to best take steps towards their goals in a way that aligns with their core values, strengths and lifestyle.


Coaching is evidence-based and provides a proven process for clients to take steps towards their optimal health and well-being.


I offer 1-on-1 and group coaching to individuals, with a focus on reconnecting with inner desires, managing stress, reclaiming balance and creating a life of health, purpose and joy.


Coaching is an investment in health and one we cannot overlook. Stress, lack of direction and balance can severely affect physical and mental health, energy, longevity and happiness.


As a National Board-Certified Health & Wellness Coach, I provide evidence-based strategies and a proven process to help people get on a better path starting now.


I offer several packages detailed below.


Signature Coaching Program

Personalized coaching is ideal for individuals looking to partner with a coach to make sustainable and positive change in their lives.

The recommended timetable for coaching is a minimum of 3 months. Sustainable change takes time, experimentation and patience.

My Signature Package is a 3-month commitment that consists of the following:

  • A complete health and well-being assessment
  • An initial 1-hour coaching call
  • Five follow-up 45-minute coaching calls
  • A personalized resource package, consisting of established recommendations and information from trusted resources
  • On-going assessment of strengths and well-being
  • Text and email support

Investment: $875



Single Coaching Session

For individuals that are not ready to commit to a package, I offer single sessions.

These sessions can be transformative but will not yield the same results as a 3-month session. Instead, they are intended for clarity and an immediate plan forward.

A Single Session consists of the following:

  • A health and well-being assessment
  • A 1-hour coaching call
  • A follow-up email with personalized resources from trusted sources

Investment: $175


Group Coaching

Group coaching is ideal for organizations looking to enhance the health and wellness of employees in a collaborative way.

My Group Package can be tailored to a group’s interests and may include the following:

  • Health and well-being assessments for every group member
  • In-person or Zoom coaching sessions
  • A standardized resource package, consisting of established recommendations and information from trusted resources
  • On-going assessments of strengths and well-being
  • Group text and community page for on-going support and interaction

The Investment is dependent on number in the group, desired timetable and other considerations.


Frequently Asked Questions

How does coaching differ from therapy?

Coaching and therapy share the value of deep and active listening, open-ended questions and fostering insight. However, they differ in the focus and audience. Coaching is forward focused and intended to help with behavior change in healthy individuals. On the contrary, therapy is often focused on the past, coming to grips with past trauma and healing wounds. Coaching does NOT involve this.

How do we start?

It starts with an inquiry via my contact page. I’ll get back to you and we can schedule a free 10-minute consultation to make sure that coaching is right for you or your organization. If so, we will schedule the first session. I will then present an invoice to be paid prior to the services. Once the invoice is paid, the first assessment will be emailed for you to fill out prior to the initial 1-hour session.

How do I schedule an appointment?

We’ll schedule your first appointment over the phone during our consultation or via email. If desired, we can schedule recurring appointments or schedule each session at a time.

What can I expect after 3 months?

After 3 months of coaching, clients should feel more self-aware and aligned with their values, have greater clarity with their long- and short-term goals and have experienced progress working towards those goals. 

How does a coach differ from a personal trainer or dietitian?

Coaches should NOT be supplying meal plans or fitness regimens unless they have the appropriate credentials to do so. Coaching is client-focused and intended to help the client find the answers within themselves, set appropriate goals for a desired future, and work towards those goals in a way that is realistic and aligns with their lifestyle.

Do you have a Payment Plan?

There are no available payment plans for individual coaching sessions. The entire amount is due upon billing. For on-going corporate group coaching, payment plans per month are available.

Do you have a refund policy?

There are no refunds for sessions already completed. If a client has purchased a package and decides to cancel their purchase, they are eligible to receive the money back minus a 15% service charge.

Do you have packages longer than 3 months?

For clients that are committed to longer term change, 6-month packages are available. As well, clients who complete a 3-month package and want to continue coaching can do so on a session-by-session basis or, for cost savings, buy another package.